21-23 Murray Ave • Burlington, MA 01803 • (781)270-6625

Covenant for Basic Needs

How to Access Basic Needs

The Burlington Covenant for Basic Needs was established to meet the temporary, emergency needs of individuals and families who are in crisis-loss of housing, fire victims, lack of fuel or medical needs, etc. Requests for Basic Needs Assistance are screened by counselors at the Burlington Youth & Family Services (BYFS). The funds are intended as a one-time gift or short term assistance for people while a more permanent solution to a problem is being sought.
Covenant for Basic Needs Director
Christine Shruhan
Human Services building at 33 Center St.

The following is a list of the information and documentation you will need to provide at the time of your appointment.

1. Your name, address, phone number, and family size

2. Photo ID and proof of residency in Burlington, MA, such as a utility bill mailed to home address

3. A clear statement of current need and the circumstances that led to your decision to ask for assistance at this time

4. A listing of your household’s current sources of income and amounts with supporting documentation, such as work pay stub, Department of Transitional Assistance letter, child support payments, and/or Social Security documents showing the amount you receive.